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May 6, 2013

As for me, I will serve...

Fence #4  (fence defined)

(Los Olivos, California, taken by LinJane)

*Can you guess what they are *studying* from their side of the fence?

Choosing a side ... of anything really ... can be difficult, time-consuming, fearful, and intimidating for some, like me.  For others it is quite simple to make a choice.

Back in the day when a second language was mandatory to learn in high school (because apparently it's not anymore in the schools here) my options were French and Spanish.  It was only logical to take Spanish because a very large minority that lived where I did spoke that language. Consequently I passed the class, but for the life of me I can't imagine why I didn't become a missionary in Mexico!  Seriously, learning another language is very difficult for me, let alone understanding the Texan/Arkansan accents. (Please don't be offended by that...because I love all y'all's language. I lived there once, yes, in both places, and they're completely different I might add.) 

And I digress.

For about a year now I've had this urge in me to learn the original language of the Scriptures.  Um, Why?  Because I can, thanks to the ever growing technology we have in the internet!  But seriously, I'm becoming more aware in the importance of knowing who I am and who my forefathers were.  I'm not speaking about George Washington, or Lincoln, or even my great-grandpa, although they are a part of the descendants; what I'm talking about is our Biblical fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Because down in their lineage is Jesus Messiah!  I've had this ever-growing thought in the back of my head that if I'm to peel back more layers of His life-giving, action-breathing Word then I need to know what His Word says;  and to know what it says, I need to understand the culture and people that He wrote it in and to.  Why?  So that I can hear and do what it says in the way that He meant for His people to hear and do it.  I crave to know God because I *am* His people.

Alarming information was brought to my attention and it made my insides curl.  I am currently going through a culture shock because of it.  It's as if I've stepped into a *culture zone* and I'm more desperate now than ever to learn it's language.  The language is Hebrew; God's original language for His people, Israel. 
I'm going to link you to the website that offers these facts, because I'm not able to communicate it with any sort of here.

Shocking isn't it?  Why have we not used the correct term for our Creator in all these hundreds of years?  (This might peak your interest). I wonder what went incredibly wrong with the translation? Hmm, I wonder.  

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Quoted from Ephesians 6:12.

And *who* would this scripture be referring to?

"Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought"  
(This is not flesh and blood)
"But they (the dragon and his angels)did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.  So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
Parenthesis mine.

Just sayin'!

I cannot say the word "God" or "Lord" now without thinking twice.  You will find that from now on I'm more likely to use these names as I write: (more fitting to Whom I serve)

Yehowah (pronounced with a "v" instead of "w" or Jehovah) for "God" 
Yeshua for "Jesus" (because "Yeshua" is actually His Hebrew name...the Englisher's just nick-named Him I guess). 
Yahweh for LORD (all caps)
Adonai for Lord (small letters)
Elohim for God ... not gods as it's sometimes used as a general term in the plural.

 (E-Sword is a great free download by the way :)

 Do you remember that churchy word "Hallelujah"? I use it all the time in worship.  We've known it to mean "Praise the Lord" Hebrew. (uh, praise Baal?? I don't think so.) No, that's partly correct.  It actually means "Praise Yah", a shortened version of YHWH (which is the name for the Creator).  This was used countless times in the Bible and apparently the shortened form was accepted.  So, if I use "Yah" you'll understand where *that* comes from :) Click here for more detailed information on this subject.

Remember, I'm not an expert, only beginning this new journey of our original language, and if there is a reference to my newly found information I will link you to it.  

"Test all things; hold fast to what is good." writes Paul in First Thessalonians 5:21

And now I will!

Which side of the fence will you choose based on this information given?  

Today I will call out to...

  • Creator God (Yahowah, Jehovah, Yeshua, Yahweh, Adonai)


  • other lifeless gods (Baal, *Asteroth, etc.)

I choose Creator Yahowah!

  Joshua 24:15  "And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD (Yahweh), choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.  But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Yahweh)".  
Parenthesis mine.

Interesting background about the "gods" mentioned in the above scripture: (strong's H2764 "under the ban" .. this is a start for further study)
  The Canaanites, Amorites, etc. were involved in worshiping two deities (gods): 1)for agriculture and 2) for fertility (*Asteroth).  They sacrificed babies (very sad, I know, but very real), made their children walk through fire and had sex with the priestess, just to name a few of the abominations.   This information lends to disgust in relation to the name/s that have been mis-placed or re-placed for our our ignorance.  I don't want to stand in this disillusionment any longer.

What is the challenge that I'm overcoming?   
                                                                          A different language.

But the most significant one I could ever learn.

Remembering who I am....

*The answer is: Miniature Horses.   We aren't able to distinguish that fact from this side of the camera, can we?  They're too far away.  It would take doing some research and going to *that* side of the photo to understand what they are observing. ;)

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