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Welcome to The Picket List where there will be NO picketing on these grounds!  Sorry folks, but if you’re here to find a reason to picket an organization for a cause you will not find it here.  What you WILL find, is a cause to getting oneself off a fence (hence “Picket”) and onto the soil of peace and freedom!  So, stick around and keep reading and then come back with your friends.  The kind of picket that you’ll leave with is a Picket List of challenges that you desire to overcome today, this month, or maybe in a year!  Read on!

There are three different places we can be.  Each place that we find ourselves in is dependent upon the decision we have made to put ourselves there.  Each decision we have made is dependent upon the level of confidence we have in knowing who we are.  Knowing who we are is dependent upon knowing who our Creator (Yahweh) is. Getting to know our Creator (Yahweh) is dependent upon how much we love Him. How much we love Him is dependent upon how high a level of importance we place our obedience to Him.

The first place we can be is on the fence; a place of indecision, offense, fear and pride.  These attitudes keep us on the fence when facing difficult challenges in life if not kept in check and dealt with properly.  Jesus (Yeshua) says that we will have trouble in this life; and I like to call them “challenges” (John 16:33).  He also promised us that He has overcome the world.  We are part of this world, and so are our challenges.  Therefore, He has already overcome these challenges we face.  The key, though, is will we “take heart” (as He encourages us) in allowing Him to help us overcome the attitudes that keep us on the fence? 

How do we do this?  By trusting Him. By obeying Him. By loving Him.  In Yeshua we have the strength and power to overcome whatever it is we are facing. But are we going to have the right attitude to be able to overcome it? It’s all in being confident in knowing who we are … in Jesus, because if we are confident in knowing who we are then we will have the courage to move forward with the right attitude in the overcoming. That’s when we step off the fence! 

What are you facing today that is challenging?  Is it finances, parenting issues, marriage difficulties?  Is it a friendship gone sour or you have taken offense to someone’s actions or words?  Have you or a loved one just been diagnosed with an illness that’s taken you emotionally over the edge?  Are you struggling with knowing what you believe about your faith, or a moral issue?  Are you undecided on a vacation destination (ie…a cruise with your own family or a visit to see extended family?)  Is there a decision to make about where to move, what job to take, or maybe decline an offer?  What about the decision of where to go to church based on the spiritual health of your family?  Do you need to decide whether public school or home school is the best?    The list can go on!  You fill in the blank:  My challenge today is…

Challenges in life are numerous and come with a variety of emotions that can set us back onto the fence, because we are human.  But how do we respond to these setbacks? 

The other two places are determined on the decision of how we will respond to the challenge.  One side of the fence will be a place where we decide to overcome the challenge, which lends to a penetrating peace and freedom from the bondage we would face settling on the fence.  This is the place we step foot in obedience to how Jesus calls us to overcome. 

The other side of the fence, however, is not so freeing.  It is a place where we would have made a decision, yes, but a decision that is contrary to the will of God (Yahweh).  This place, even though we make a decision that takes us off the fence, places us in a position of falling deeper into the challenge, walking knee deep into the muck of it and heading into disaster.

My point here is that there is a place I definitely don’t want to be … and that is on the wrong side of the fence, where the grass is definitely NOT greener, the one that leads to destruction. This is really a matter of obedience and disobedience to God's (Yahweh's) Word.  

In this blog I will bring to you different challenges that I have personally faced in life and ones that I will probably be currently facing at the time of writing in hopes that you too will be able to identify with.  I will do my best in encouraging you with practical ways to overcome challenges.  My encouragement to you will be to GET OFF THE FENCE and on to the plush patches of green pasture that Jesus (Yeshua) provides for us for refreshment, for rest, for safety, and for fulfillment of our every need. 

So, no, this is not a picketing group that chases causes; but if you really want to, you can go to your own backyard, pull up a picket from your fence and march in step to the words of “I’M GETTING OFF THE FENCE SO I WON’T BE AN OFFENSE!” or whatever comes to your mind J

Remembering who I am…



Anonymous said...

Wow! Great beginning! Excited to continue reading the next one!
love you, Mom

CindyJane said...

Hey! You DID it ;) Good job and thankyou...I appreciate your words, Mom!