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April 25, 2013

A Full Stomach (Overcoming Idleness)

Fence #2  
It doesn't take any effort at all to find oneself on the fence of indifference, laziness, and selfish behavior.  How ever unbalanced life might be on this fence, to the picket-lounger this debilitating tilt takes no precedence and is gone unnoticed.   

(Los Olivos, California, taken by LinJane)

Feeling ill yesterday put me curled up on the couch most of the day when I wasn't ordering my machines to wash and dry the laundry.  
Consequently, while going back and forth to the laundry room I had to pass the kitchen, and that made me feel more ill.  Two days worth of dishes with a family of five were not going to clean themselves...and being out of dish soap naturally gave our dishwasher a Sabbath's few days rest.  There are 10 hands in this family and only 2 of them desired to do the dirty work...and it wasn't mine.  I heard it from my half slumber early this morning; pots and pans clanging, water running, *somebody* being the most generous of all man-kind with their time, and I smiled as I fell back into deep sleep.  Later, I discovered that it wasn't a dream, my dear husband cleaned the kitchen and oh how grateful I am!

(Introducing my husband, Steve, caught red-hatted .. haha!)

But back to the laundry.  Although I was feeling yucky yesterday, today did is here, and I'm feeling a bit better as I sit on my couch only to find a mountain of unfolded laundry staring back at me. 
 "I don't feel so well...again" I thought, as the temptation to be *that* picket-lounger crept up behind me.

This is where I switched modes of thought, remembering that I had a sick kid in bed and possibly witnessing my inaction (because it's always wise to set the example, right?), and made the decision to get on my bare feet with computer on and in hand to set it next to the laundry mountain and accomplish two things at once (because I needed material for another blog post of course!  Ok, I'll admit, I wanted to please my family too):
  1. Fold the laundry.
  2. Stay connected with my Lovelies 

And with that, look what I've accomplished with an hour!

"Come and get it fam, cus it's not gonna put *itself* away!"

"She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27

Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.
Proverbs 19:15

I don't want to go hungry...that would be the *other* side of the fence that lends to no green grass, but instead weeds, thorns, and a lot of dust!

  • Idleness?
  • A Stomach filled?

You choose!         :)

Remembering who I am...

April 23, 2013

I Choose Lovely (Overcoming Rejection)

 Fence #1  (I encourage you to read this first to understand my concept of the fence)

(Santa Ynez, California, taken by LinJane)

I need friends! I need friends! I need friends!” I wailed this desperate plea to my Creator.  I stood outside of an office sobbing uncontrollably after just being verbally attacked by those I thought I could trust; people I called friends.  I was devastated. 

Someone once shared “Choose your friends wisely.  You can be friendly to all, but they don’t ALL need to be your close friend.”  I agree completely.

Yahweh's timing is always perfect.  I had not realized at the time what a blessing was entering into my life, but looking back, I remember sharing this situation with a *secret* group on Facebook consisting of 15 women from all over the U.S., and only one I had known previously.  I really had not understood the reason why I was invited to be in this group, but I began to participate anyway, probably because I was lonely.  I found that I was the oldest in this clan, which kind of boosted my self-esteem a bit (because growing up I was ALWAYS the youngest in a group of friends and felt inferior).  I asked them to pray for me and my family.  And this was a starting of a very significant relationship.

I’ve been “meeting” with this group of ladies for 9 months now via Facebook.  I meet with them because it has been a safe place full of honesty, building one another up, studying Yahweh's Word, lots of praying and carrying each other’s burdens, an overabundance of joy to be shared, we joke/tease each other…in love of course, LOL with each other, and cry with each other, have I missed an emotion?  We come from Washington, Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, New York, New Mexico, Indiana, Iowa, and Virginia.  We are all believers in Yeshua (Jesus) and we all strive to love Him with everything we have, say and do.  This is what keeps us alive as kindred spirits.
For the 1st time EVER, only a week ago, several of us did a Meet-Up that had been planned since *I* met them…one of which spent precious money and flew to the rest of us in Colorado.  Renee (preggo mama who’s about to pop!) hosted; Christi drove from Louisiana to meet with Beth in Texas, who then took the wheel and drove up to New Mexico to pick up Sarah and myself (remember, we have *never* met each other in person previously…yet it was as if we had been best of friends for years).  We then drove another 4 hours to the hosting house and picked up Renee, who then took the wheel, and the 5 of us went to meet Tiff at the airport.  Jenn, living in Colorado already, met up with us that evening.  Sadly, the rest of the 15 were not able to make the trip….this time. Ashley, Ellyn, Danielle, Amanda, Fe, Tiffany, Wendy, Carolina, and Lisa we’re looking forward to meeting you at the next Meet-Up!

Meet the Lovelies…

(Our 1st meal together at the Melting Pot.  Yeah, we spare no expense!)

This is a Lovely “Hello” and “Nice to meet you!”

(The flying Lovely being greeted at the airport)

We stayed at the Colorado Lovely’s beautiful abode for 3 awesome nights while her husband and son graciously left us to laugh and cry and eat…alone. Together. As women must do at times.

These women have become my dearest Study Buds.

My Precious Prayer Partners.

My Worship Warriors.
(with wine of course)

(my Lovely band)

My Chatty Sistah’s!

(although, I’m not sure why they’re just sitting there all looking at ME)

My Reason to Eat….HEALTHY! 
(Lessons on eating Gluten-Free)
                            (A couple of Lovelies had we all joined in...."Chicken anyone!")

                                                                                          (The Lovely Mascot...the Chicken that Beth gifted each of us...really it IS a chicken, can't YOU see it?)

We had a tremendous weekend together and we thanked our Awesome Yahweh for gifting each of us so generously as we huddled together and bowed our heads and got all teary eyed…at least they did ;)  My time was later.
(12 feet, one very pregnant belly … not mine … and 6 voices calling upon Yeshua)


          and then we had to say goodbye.

 (a Lovely goodbye to our flying Lovely)

These Lovelies I choose.

Because I choose to BE Lovely!

Yes there is a side of the fence you must choose …

·       People who are lovely
·       People who are unlovely

Philippians 4:8 “Finally…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are LOVELY, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.”

Take that step to get off the fence of fear, rejection, pride, self-pity and onto the side of the fence that will lend to you freedom, love, right way of living, and support. 

I’m a whatever person …. Whatever is Lovely! 
Who are you?

Remembering who I am…

*Pictures taken by Tiff, Renee, and Sarah ;)